Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fall care package

Well, it's fall...time for a fall-themed care package!
 The commissary/nex are kinda limiting on fall items...specifically in the keurig dept but I did find k cups from gevalia where they have a packet of powder you put in your cup then run the regular keurig cup so I'm interested to see how those turn out...

I printed off leaf stencils and traced them into construction paper...
I got a pack of "holiday themed" scrapbook paper at WalMart in the clearance section. (I visit it shamelessly every time I'm care-packaging)
Score...milk box that doesn't have to be refrigerated...
I put little pink post it notes on as many of the things as I could...
I also found a new kind of popcorn - white cheddar! I only got one package to see if he likes it.
And here he is with the package!

A couple things aren't technically fall but...a lot of times, fall is the end of the fruit season so I got things that were fruit or fruit infused or fruit inspired.
The "soup" is actually chef-boy-ardee raviolis...He likes weird things like that. I've never eaten them in my life but they sound like something he might eat..We'll see. 

The planetary stickers are glow in the dark...Maybe he can use them to decorate his rack because they wouldn't be able to be seen when the lights are on...
All the goodies... 
earlier, I sent him a buffalo powder shaker and this time, I found ranch.
Plus funnies and lots of fruit items...don't want any scurvy, now!
The Dole fruit bits with yogurt and whole grain granola were a hit.
He loves the Ninja Turtles and the packs of the gummies were on sale at the Commissary...I tried one of them...they're revolting...sorry, honey!

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